What childhood memory makes you smile?

Getting involved in an activity that you so much enjoy. Those hobbies are the ones we will look back and wish adulthood could give us the time and opportunity to recreate.
There was a very common play I used to get into with my peer group when we were kids, it is called tyre riding. We bring a car tyre, pour engine oil inside and stick two sticks by the sides and start riding it. It was a pack of fun.
Whenever I sit down and remember the memories I had when I was growing up, I will always have a smile on my face. The best of them was the one I had with my little sister. I think it helped us to develop bond and affection for each other. We love to do hide and seek inside our rooms and if you are caught, you will be the one to wash the plates and if the other couldn't find you, you will have her meat.
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Whenever I sit down and remember the memories I had when I was growing up, I will always have a smile on my face. The best of them was the one I had with my little sister. I think it helped us to develop bond and affection for each other. We love to do hide and seek inside our rooms and if you are caught, you will be the one to wash the plates and if the other couldn't find you, you will have her meat.
The memories created with your siblings are priceless. If it's possible to record and watch all of it again, I would do that in a heartbeat.
This is my open confession.

It's stealing meat or fish from my mother's pot of stew or soup 😂 😂 😂

I always laugh like a stupid man whenever I remember that now.
I used to steal chicken whenever my dad(rip) was cooking. 🤣

He’d always be like “get out my kitchen!”

I couldn’t help it though. I wanted a taste before the meal.😂😂😂
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I still remember the time when I baked Christmas cookies with my grandmother. Throughout the lengthy baking sessions we devoted ourselves to combining ingredients and testing multiple samples. It came out great!
During summers, I spent time at my grandparents' farmhouse which continues to bring joy to me even in the present. The pleasant aromas of fresh fruits combine with bird songs and the comforting feelings of my grandparents' affection make me grin with happiness today. Which among your precious childhood memories is your most favorite?
Your own of different because you're doing it when he's cooking. I sneak into the kitchen to steal mine when everyone is doing something else or asleep 😂 😂
Well, he stepped away from the kitchen so I snuck in the kitchen and snatched the chicken.🤣
During summers, I spent time at my grandparents' farmhouse which continues to bring joy to me even in the present. The pleasant aromas of fresh fruits combine with bird songs and the comforting feelings of my grandparents' affection make me grin with happiness today. Which among your precious childhood memories is your most favorite?
All the time that I got to spend with my dad and grandpa bring me great joy. They’re both no longer here with me today.
  • Going fishing with my grandparents when my grandpa still had his boat.
  • My grandmother making me a kite and flying it out in my grandparents back yard.
  • My parents helping me to learn how to ride a bike.
  • My aunt teaching me to swim.