Social Media Turning People into Monsters

I had an uncle pull that one over on me, he asked if I could fix his computer after hearing nothing from him for 5 years. And he was like if you don't fix my computer Best Buy is going to charge me $150. And I told him then you better take it to Best Buy.
You gave him a very good reply! 5 years and out from no where he started feeling entitled. He's a c**t as far as I'm concerned.
A lot of people turn into blowhards, if you know what I mean. It gets to the point where it's not cool anymore, unless you're some drone in the same political movement. Anyway, plenty of people are staunchly in favor of some belief system, but they aren't blowhards. They know how to communicate with the masses better.
This is actually the reason why I don't get into any kind political discussions. It doesn't matter if it's online or offline, it never seems to go well for a long time without someone going to the extreme just to make his or her point.
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I know a lot of people who are using social media platforms for business purposes. You can't fault them for doing so because that's where they make their money from.
Yea, I guess you could say it's "business purposes" for even hobby content creators as its important to help find new people. Especially since Twitch's algorithms are not very good.
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