How do you handle stress?

I usually stress eat, I don't know if it happens to anyone. Whenever I'm stressed out, I tend to eat a lot in that moment especially if I have the food at home already.
I stress eat too. I’m not sure why I do it, I just do it. I don’t eat meals though, I just eat small snacks throughout the day. Also, I drink lots of water so I don’t snack too much.

Your blood pressure seem to rise up whenever you're stressed up. A decent good rest will reset things back to normal.
Maintaining your blood pressure is a must. Having the best coping methods to deal with your stress is key also. Rest always helps me reset my stress if it’s really bad.
I stress eat too. I’m not sure why I do it, I just do it. I don’t eat meals though, I just eat small snacks throughout the day. Also, I drink lots of water so I don’t snack too much.
It's one of my stress coping mechanism which seems to work at least for now. I don't snack a lot because there isn't much snacks I eat apart from pies and I don't always have it at home but with water, I drink more than enough every day.
I find it difficult to handle stress.
If I do ever find myself stressed, I tend to listen to music, play games or sit and watch a few video's on YouTube.
Stress can have a negative impact on our focus and productivity as well. I found our that acknowledging stress is the first step towards managing it. We also need to engage in physical activity, practicing mindfulness, and connecting with nature as this can really help a lot as well.
Stress can have a negative impact on our focus and productivity as well. I found our that acknowledging stress is the first step towards managing it. We also need to engage in physical activity, practicing mindfulness, and connecting with nature as this can really help a lot as well.
Stress management is crucial for our overall well-being. For me, I've found writing or art, as an outlet for stress. Also, maintain a consistent sleep schedule and I ensure to eat healthy food too.
This is to say that you handle stress by keeping yourself fit and healthy. By keeping fit it allows you to concentrate on work and easily deal with stressful situations whenever they happen.
This is to say that you handle stress by keeping yourself fit and healthy. By keeping fit it allows you to concentrate on work and easily deal with stressful situations whenever they happen.
Keeping fit and healthy is another measure for managing stress. When one have the time to keep fit and eat healthy, the person is already managing 70% of the stress.

Just that stress can't allow us to keep fit because of work.