Hello! I used to be obsessed with Nutrinopets!


New VPL Member
Hiya! I'm a new member to VPL. I discovered the site while looking up anything surrounding ye olde Nutrinopets, a pet website that ran from abour 2003 or 2005? To about 2009-10 when it suddenly shut down.
I played Neopets back in 2001 as a tiny little lad but, my accounts always got frozen for "multi-accounting" because I have two brothers who would play as well, taking turns on the family PC so obviously we shared the same IP address, and even e-mail address possibly.
After multiple accounts being frozen and my being a dumb little kid, I stopped playing Neopets and somehow discovered Nutrinopets around 2006.
I quickly fell in love and played on it a lot doing random things, playing high or low, etc. I met one of my best friends there as a child and when the website went down, we lost contact. She managed to find me through my DeviantArt account thankfully. We are still friends to this day. She even came to visit last year and we met up in real life for the first time. It was rad.

After Nutrinopets went down, I joined Misticpets, which had a "Refugee" forum for lost NuP users to try and recconect with friends. I played Misticpets from roughly 2009 to 2013, and continued to log in to maintain access to my account up until 2020. The site seems to be slow or rather, most of the UI doesn't load. I heard the owner is kind of "missing" now so, I worry about the future of the site. I imagine it's going to go offline randomly one day soon.

I also had dabbled in subeta briefly before Misticpets but my account got banned for "multi-accounting" again. I was so upset I gave up on pet sites. Which I mostly used for the forums anyways. But then I gave Misticpets a go, and the staff actually reached out to me instead of banning me full force with no explanation. I've had to write that I share an IP address on most pet profiles since being banned on Neo and Subeta lmao.
Again after losing Nutrinopets, I was desperate to try and find old friends, and ended up joining "Zetapets" I believe it was called at the time.
I was even accepted as an artist and drew a few item images for the website! I was super stoked.
My art at the time, was REALLY not great but it's a fond memory. I quickly fell out of use on the site however, because I wasn't a fan of the art or pets and was mostly in search of old friends.

Monsono, and everyone else from our old group/club thing, wherever you are with your Turtwig icon, I think about you now and again and wish you well! <3

Anyways, I'm very very interested in trying to find artists and old content from Nutrinopets, I desperately want to find the pet images of my favorite pets so I can draw them again. I've archived as much of the old NuP site as I could find using the wayback machine about 2 years ago and have finally gotten around to trying to identify which artist did what piece. I've dropped all of the old content onto my own toyhou.se forums, but, would like to know if it would be acceptable to post some of that content here for other nostalgic NuPPers?
I really would love to try and contact the last owner of the site (Kady) or someone on the old staff team to see if they have any of the old art but idk. There are a few posts about how things weren't really great for the staff around the time NuP went down. I simply want to try and see if any pet images are saved on someone's old harddrives somewhere. Not use them for anything.
I am an artist and drew a looot of inspiration from the game and would love to see images again that are burned vaguely into my memory of my favorite pets (my favorite was the Scryptic, hence the username).

My first plan of action would be to attempt to contact artists whose social media is still active soon. Hopefully it won't be a terrible bother to any other artists.
I would love to have my own old artwork remembered fondly, and if someone had my old art saved and shared it with me I'd be stoked, but I know that may not be the case for all of us artists lol.

I just wanted somewhere to chatter about or share my little story here and I figured this might be the best place to do so.
I found this forum when looking up Nutrinopets again and found a 2019 article mentioning this place!
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Omg Nutrinopets was my favorite petsite back then!! I still miss it to this day. What was your username there? It was my first site using the name "Fuzzball", which later become my fursona name. That site will always hold a special place in my heart! I have all the old Caelum images saved on imgur, and some old art I got of my Caelums on the website as well.
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I swear I must have had an account on every VPS back in the day, but Nutrinopets is one that seems to have escaped my radar! Still though, I would LOVE to see what art and content you've archived. That stuff is always fascinating to me even if it's not a site I personally played.
It's always nice to hear about the friendships and memories that can be created through online communities. As for your question about sharing old content from Nutrinopets, I think it's great that you want to preserve and share those memories with others who may be feeling nostalgic as well. As for contacting Kady or the old staff team, it may be a long shot, but it's always worth a try.
Sorry if this is a necro, I was googling Nutrino out of nostalgia. I havent been active on VPL in years lol

I swear I remember you! Nutrino was my home petsite, I went by Wolvengrl at the time. That site is still so near and dear to my heart.
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I've dropped all of the old content onto my own toyhou.se forums, but, would like to know if it would be acceptable to post some of that content here for other nostalgic
It’s allowed and 100% acceptable. Please feel free to share your Nutrinopets related content with us!
Welcome to the community!

This email is from Nup’s owners prior to them shutting down the site.
Furthermore, Nutrinopets still carries the remnant of the debt Kady and I ran up from when we first acquired NuP and had to give up normal jobs in order to recover the site from the original owners. We cannot sell for less than this value, as it would be unfair to us to sell, and still be paying for NuP...and then receive no recompense for our work and effort at having built Nutrinopets into what it became.

By the 5 year and even 3 year rules, Nutrinopets.com is worth a good deal more than $300,000, but we of course are willing to consider a sale price of far less in order to achieve a relatively quick sale. We are willing to consider owner financing, though of course we'd much prefer to have the total sale value in a lump sum.

One last thing...a bit of trivia. Neopets.com, when it sold, went for $160,000,000 to Viacom. Yes, Neopets.com then was considerably more successful then than Nutrinopets.com is now, however, petsites are far from worthless in any condition. 😉

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Nutrinopets was my favorite site until it went offline. I was so disappointed. I then found Marapets and have played on that ever since.
I can't believe I posted this LAST JANUARY.

Necroing my own thread with all of the content I've archived to the best of my ability:

Here's a Google drive link with additional PDFs
I did get in contact with the artist who did these versions of the pets:
Here's their Twitter they're very cool.

Omg Nutrinopets was my favorite petsite back then!! I still miss it to this day. What was your username there? It was my first site using the name "Fuzzball", which later become my fursona name. That site will always hold a special place in my heart! I have all the old Caelum images saved on imgur, and some old art I got of my Caelums on the website as well.
I was BabyScryptic on there. It's a little cringe but I was a kid so that explains that. I was a little gremlin obsessed with foxes and the baby color was so cute I named my account after the pet I wanted.
But PLEASE do share the caelum images, I'd love to add any I'm missing to my little archive as a group effort to reminisce in nostalgic web shenanigans!

Sorry if this is a necro, I was googling Nutrino out of nostalgia. I havent been active on VPL in years lol

I swear I remember you! Nutrino was my home petsite, I went by Wolvengrl at the time. That site is still so near and dear to my heart.
I'm like 80% sure we were in the same club/guild/RP forum shenanigans your username sounds EXTREMELY FAMILIAR.
I'm still in contact with my pal who was SkittyWitty on there or similar. Did a lot of +ANIMA and Gijinka Pokemon RPs as a wee lad there.
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I definitely recognise your username. NuP was my favourite pet site for the duration of its life, it is what got me into roleplaying, and I also made a lot of forum banners back then under the username demonicsakura, I believe. There was also an attempt to re-make NuP some years ago that I was excited for, it doesn't seem to have panned out, though, unfortunately.
Sorry if this is a necro, I was googling Nutrino out of nostalgia. I havent been active on VPL in years lol

I swear I remember you! Nutrino was my home petsite, I went by Wolvengrl at the time. That site is still so near and dear to my heart.
That is also a name I recognise.
Your username sounds familiar! Don't worry about being a cringy kid, I was a cringy teen myself and ran a club (or whatever they called it on there) with my irl best friend based on the Naruto villain alliance the "Akatsuki". It was a good, active club and we were all silly lol

Anyway here's my Caleum collection. It's the old version (at the time, I hated the new Caelum). The original I edited to be MSpaint friendly and there's one that I colored to match my fursona! Unfortunately, I did not save a copy of the original before I pixelized it.


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I wish I had been able to get into my old computer, I had several pages saved from Nutrino that I was trying to keep hold of on there.