Flight Rising expands the Gecko Gene to all dragons


Staff member
Flight Rising has expanded its Gecko Gene to all of its dragons, it was only available for everlux dragons before, but now all dragons can now rock the Gecko gene. Will you be attaching the Gecko gecko to your modern dragon breed or ancient breed?
Gecko Gecko Gene: Flight Rising
The Gecko gene is now available for all dragon breeds!
Click here to read more about this update.


Once only available for Everlux dragons, Gecko genes are now appearing on Modern breeds and other Ancient dragons! This spotty tertiary gene can be purchased in the Treasure Marketplace.
Tertiary Gene: Gecko
Tertiary Aberration Gene: Gecko
Tertiary Aether Gene: Gecko
Tertiary Auraboa Gene: Gecko
Tertiary Banescale Gene: Gecko
Tertiary Dusthide Gene: Gecko
Tertiary Gaoler Gene: Gecko
Tertiary Sandsurge Gene: Gecko
Tertiary Undertide Gene: Gecko
Tertiary Veilspun Gene: Gecko

A selection of dragons displaying the Gecko genes. From top to bottom: A Skydancer male pose dragon in dark greens and blue-greens, a Dusthide male pose dragon with desaturated blue and green with an ivory tail, a Fathom female pose dragon in shades of brown and grey, and a Sandsurge female pose dragon in shades of Red and orange.

If you encounter any errors with Gecko genes released in this udpate, please report them in this thread and we will address them in a timely manner. This thread is for the genes that were released in this update only.

New Achievements

A new achievement for breeding the gecko gene has been added to laud those who want to share the spotty pattern!
  • Spotty Style

More Hibernal Den Tasks Available At Once

Your dragon clans will now have 15 Hibernal Den tasks available at a time (up from 10.) In addition, new hibernal den slot unlock tasks have been added! You can complete item turn-ins to expand your clan's capacity to hold hibernating (inactive) dragons!
  • Hibernal Den Task
    Sing a Song
  • Hibernal Den Task
    Together We Sing
  • Hibernal Den Task
    Gecko Affinity

Galore's Gifts

From now until January 17 at 6:00 server, Galore has a Glorious Gift for every dragon clan, celebrating geckos everywhere!
Tree Gecko
Friend Gecko
Princess Petal Gecko

Crystalline Gala Skin Contest

The twelfth annual Crystalline Gala will begin on January 26, 2025, and we're running a skin and accent contest in celebration! Please note that the contest ends on a Tuesday, as we announced in a prior update!

Click here for more information!

Crystalline Gala text logo and ice crystals on a parchment background.

Additional Updates

  • Cave Gecko and Catfish Leg now have a rare chance to drop when you bond with your familiars.
  • Maren Wavesinger and Forestsong Haorinow has a very rare chance to drop when you answer a question correctly at Tomo's Trivia Tablet.
  • Dragon Share Theme Week: Snow Day!
  • The Gaoler Parallel Updates gene error thread is now closed.

Source: Gecko Gene Expansion | Announcements & News | Flight Rising

These are some dragons that are currently using the Gecko gene.

Gecko Gene: Flight Rising

What are your thoughts on the new gecko gene?