Do you use any writing tools?


90 And Up! VPL Member
I have been writing for more than five years now. Recently, I have started using some writing tools to improve my writing skills. Grammarly has become my favorite among the ones I use. It helps me catch grammatical errors, punctuation mistakes, and typos. Furthermore, it recommends better sentence structures. Since I do not have enough budget for the premium version, I only use the free version. How about you? Do you use any writing tools?
I have been writing for more than five years now. Recently, I have started using some writing tools to improve my writing skills. Grammarly has become my favorite among the ones I use. It helps me catch grammatical errors, punctuation mistakes, and typos. Furthermore, it recommends better sentence structures. Since I do not have enough budget for the premium version, I only use the free version. How about you? Do you use any writing tools?
Yes, I have heard about writing tools but I haven't made use of any of them, I don't know if it's because I haven't attain the height I always want in writing. I will check this grammarly tool to see how it works and I believe it can help in noticing my typos, punctuation mistakes and grammatical errors.
As a writer, I have found using Grammarly has been a lifesaver and helped so much with my writing. I only use the free version at the moment but due to how much I do use it, I wouldn't be against paying for premium if I had enough money.
I wouldn't be against paying for premium if I had enough money.
I would pay for it if it was $9,99 a month, but I am not about to give them $30 a month. That's just insane! I don't know why they have it priced so high, but people must pay for it or they wouldn't be asking so much for it.