Do you post on your social media accounts strategically?

Posting regularly or at least weekly on your social media accounts can boost your visibility and help you gain traction. But do you enjoy posting on social media consistently, or is it not really your thing?

If you do, which social media platforms have worked best for you? Do you have a platform where you’ve built a strong following, or is there one where you’ve struggled to gain traction?

What kind of content do you typically share? Do you post whatever comes to mind, or do you follow a specific strategy?
I do not have any kind of strategy, I post when I want to. Sometimes I post every day and sometimes I don't post for weeks. I am thinking to get into more posting on social media and even create a posting calendar.
I don't usually post on my Facebook but recently I just opened a Facebook page which I wanted to use for marketing. At least it would make me more frequent on Facebook. Maintaining consistency will boost engagement and it will attract more audience too. Also, you need to publish content that will hook your audience.
Not daily.. I like to post when I feel inspired instead of sticking to a strict schedule. Sharing things that really matter to me feels more genuine, and I find it’s best to engage when I have something meaningful to say.