Thank you! I'm thinking breeding will probably be one of the main activities for people so I'm trying to diversify it as much as possible. Love the feedback and you actually have given me some ideas I haven't thought of before I'll add my responses for each point:
1. Yep exactly what I was thinking there will be a low chance by default so if you don't improve your ponies twin chance it won't be as likely. I also have seen this mechanic in Wajas with their pear items which increase the litter quantity for breeding it really created a nice market restocking economy around that particular item and gave people additional goals to work towards. I like the idea of the seasonality of breeding I was thinking of having maybe very special pony breeds that can only be created or maybe bred during like winter or spring.
2. Oh now that's something I haven't thought of special traits or mutations that can only be achieved through breeding. I like it I'll have to see what options I can do for that I feel like it makes the game a little more fun when you can have the random factors.
3. I'm glad you liked this idea I thought for people that like breeding challenges it could be a good way to incorporate more complexity than just breed pony 1 to pony 2 for certain colors.
4. Yes the color mixing I feel like I'm continually tweaking I don't want people to get random inconsistent coloring but I don't want it to be too easy to get the good colors. I want breeding to necessary tool and getting exact colors the first time around to be a chance based RNG factor.
5. Exactly my thoughts with the stats too, giving bonuses in competitions there will be one for each stat type ( charm, intelligence, health, strength) but I haven't gotten to that part yet but improving other activities that would be a cool feature too I'll have to think about what that could look like. I am currently limited by my own knowledge but I learn as I go and I'd say it's going pretty well so far.
I'll probably do another demo video soonish, but I want to have something more to show been working on the structure, ui, and connections lately. But I feel like I've come a long way since October when I had 0 knowledge of php, css, html and now I would say I'm getting pretty good at Laravel 11 and working with my database data. For example some concepts of working on a structure for the pony profile page