April Fools

I don't do April fools' pranks either but I had one pulled on me where a website said Nvidia bought Xbox off of Microsoft. I was excited for a second and then I was like oh wait today is April fools lol. For a second I thought we were going to get a good Xbox for once lol.
April Fools has never been funny and it's extremely unoriginal. The internet definitely killed it off for me haha
I always find it entertaining to perform safe April Fools' jokes on the people I love. I once place alarm clocks under beds for a dummy alarm that will confuse the bed owner.
That's unfair. 🤣😂 If you do it to someone like me that don't play with her sleep, you will really get a hit by me. Anyway, I will try this out with my sister, she will surely hate me after that.
Lol! I just love April Fools' pranks. Watching the reactions of people is just priceless! Coming April,I have one prank for my friend.