Would You rather, Be a Girl or Boy?

I'm happy as a man, yep as was born to be a guy and alive. I do not know what would be like if I was a female..
I’m definitely was born in to the right body I’m glad I’m a man despite being bi I do fully identify as a guy.

I do feel like people can do as they wish with their bodies though not my place to say anything or anyone else should.
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I wish I was born in the right body, I should have been born a boy but I'm currently on hormones and am medically transitioning. I've been on T for almost three years now and I am much more confident and happy than I have ever been in my life! 🙂 I agree @Fait, no one else should have a say on how what I can and cannot do to my own body. Body autonomy for everyone!
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I wish I was born in the right body, I should have been born a boy but I'm currently on hormones and am medically transitioning. I've been on T for almost three years now and I am much more confident and happy than I have ever been in my life! 🙂 I agree @Fait, no one else should have a say on how what I can and cannot do to my own body. Body autonomy for everyone!
I'm bisexual so to some degree I do understand how it can feel that society wants us to be a certain way which is impossible to who we are.
If it were possible, I would have been born the woman I am. Sadly, that's not how life works, but slowly 🙂
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Knew you would get offended 😛

Why do you think they came up with "Karen" and not "Ken"? Because woman want to speak to the manager.
That's so rude! I demand to speak to your manager!
But...but...I don't want to go to my room, I want to play with my toys! 🙁
HAHAH this made me laugh lol
i actually would have been happy with either, but loving my life as a proud gay man

but with that said, its so upsetting to see people who can't be happy with their true selfs without being judged it breaks my heart...
I’m a man but I would like to be a woman. The responsibilities on man is just too much. You have a lot of people to care for.
When I was growing up, I have always wanted to be a man. After several discussions with my family and friends, I realized that I was born into the exact body that I needed. I am happy to be a woman.

I am also happy to be a woman. Being a woman comes with immense responsibility of ensuring that the home is in order and that is what I cherish a lot when it comes to my life as a lady.