Why have no pet sites embraced battle tournaments?

I will gladly take part should it happen. I am someone who is so glad to take part in those contests as it is an avenue to share my ideas and play against the best. So, I will be expecting some sites to have some tournaments soon.
I will gladly take part should it happen. I am someone who is so glad to take part in those contests as it is an avenue to share my ideas and play against the best. So, I will be expecting some sites to have some tournaments soon.

The biggest challenge with adding a tournament battle system is the cost and complexity of development. While it would be an exciting feature for pet sites, implementing a real-time or turn-based battle system, especially one that mirrors something like the Pokémon League—would require a large development team and a significant time investment.

However, a PvP battle mode or even team-based battles (like 2v2 matchups) would be an interesting addition. It hasn’t really been done on pet sites at that scale, likely because of how intricate and resource-intensive it would be.

Flight Rising arguably has one of the best battle systems among pet sites, though it lacks a tournament feature. Their system is focused on training dragons through active battling, which is different from most pet games that rely on item-based training. The “organize party” feature and battle stones add depth, making combat more strategic.

Marapets also has a unique battle system, where you sometimes catch minipets after a fight, which is an interesting mechanic that adds an extra layer of engagement.

It would be amazing to see a pet site pull off a full-fledged tournament system, but for now, even smaller-scale battle mechanics could bring a fresh competitive edge to the genre.

Would you prefer a structured tournament mode, or do you think a casual PvP battle system would be a better fit for pet games?
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I think it's because pet sites games are not battle royale games like Apex Legends, Fortnite and others. It's going to very difficult to maintain and manage it especially when the games are browser based.
@cpvr I think a structured tournament mode would be better suited for the players. Maybe tournaments based on the level of pets.
I agree and I hope we’ll see it one day on pet sites. I actually wonder if there’s any PC based pet games that have a battle system in place like this.

I think Flight Rising, Marapets or Neopets’ current battledome structure would possibly work well with battle tournaments.
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I agree and I hope we’ll see it one day on pet sites. I actually wonder if there’s any PC based pet games that have a battle system in place like this.

I think Flight Rising, Marapets or Neopets’ current battledome structure would possibly work well with battle tournaments.
I wish I was better with HTML5, and I would attempt to build one myself. Maybe one day. I do plan to start a pet site project, and slowly work away at it. If Neopets added battle tournaments, I'd bet a lot of old users would run back to the site.
We have boss battles on the site that are sorta simliar? every month theres a new boss for users to attack.. with stats and whatnot.. I want to do more of an actual arena tournament thing but its not in the wheelhouse just yet! I have alotta other things to fix/upgrade work on first.
Battle tournaments would be a fantastic new addition into pet sites. Neopets and Marapets are among the pet sites which have established battle systems already, so tournaments won't be that much of a stretch.