I will gladly take part should it happen. I am someone who is so glad to take part in those contests as it is an avenue to share my ideas and play against the best. So, I will be expecting some sites to have some tournaments soon.
The biggest challenge with adding a tournament battle system is the cost and complexity of development. While it would be an exciting feature for pet sites, implementing a real-time or turn-based battle system, especially one that mirrors something like the Pokémon League—would require a large development team and a significant time investment.
However, a PvP battle mode or even team-based battles (like 2v2 matchups) would be an interesting addition. It hasn’t really been done on pet sites at that scale, likely because of how intricate and resource-intensive it would be.
Flight Rising arguably has one of the best battle systems among pet sites, though it lacks a tournament feature. Their system is focused on training dragons through active battling, which is different from most pet games that rely on item-based training. The “organize party” feature and battle stones add depth, making combat more strategic.
Marapets also has a unique battle system, where you sometimes catch minipets after a fight, which is an interesting mechanic that adds an extra layer of engagement.
It would be amazing to see a pet site pull off a full-fledged tournament system, but for now, even smaller-scale battle mechanics could bring a fresh competitive edge to the genre.
Would you prefer a structured tournament mode, or do you think a casual PvP battle system would be a better fit for pet games?