What's Xbox You Have Owned


Growing VPL Member
Have you collected them all and owned every single on of those boxes or maybe not?

What's your device and did you get a good deal or just wanted it 😉
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Xbox, Xbox 360, Xbox one s and x and gonna be getting Xbox sires X soon once i save up for it

But yeah mostly nearly own every one of those Xbox gen

**Update **
I've Ended up getting the new Xbox Series x : )
I've actually one xbox console from each generation but I've never really kept them for long other than the original one which was really good.
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I got my original Xbox on day one, 2001. Xbox 360 I got about 6 months after release, same with the One, One X, and Series X. I did buy a couple of Xbox and Xbox 360 consoles over the years because of hardware issues, but I have all of them still.
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I have so far owned all the Xbox devices aside from the Xbox Series right from the very first Xbox which was black, quite chunky and had the green logo on the top. I also had a crystal limited-time Xbox as well which I do still have upstairs in storage as well.

From the Xbox, I moved to the Xbox 360 and owned the chunky Xbox 360 first and then moved to the slim version when that was released.

For the Xbox One, I started out with the very first Xbox One before moving to the Xbox One S and then finally moving to the Xbox One X which I still have now.

My sons all own the Xbox Series S but I have yet to upgrade to the Xbox Series, when I do though I would like to upgrade to the Xbox One X.
I have so far owned all the Xbox devices aside from the Xbox Series right from the very first Xbox which was black, quite chunky and had the green logo on the top. I also had a crystal limited-time Xbox as well which I do still have upstairs in storage as well.

From the Xbox, I moved to the Xbox 360 and owned the chunky Xbox 360 first and then moved to the slim version when that was released.

For the Xbox One, I started out with the very first Xbox One before moving to the Xbox One S and then finally moving to the Xbox One X which I still have now.

My sons all own the Xbox Series S but I have yet to upgrade to the Xbox Series, when I do though I would like to upgrade to the Xbox One X.
I’ve had the Xbox Original, Xbox 360 & the first Xbox One i was either very young or on & off with them but if i can remember I didn’t mind them.

I now have the Series X and in my opinion it’s one of the best ones they’ve released so far.
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I currently own:

Original Xbox (Launch Day) - Thompson drive swapped
Original Xbox x2
Xbox 360 Arcade
Xbox 360 Core
Xbox 360 S
Xbox One
Xbox One X
Xbox Series X
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Unfortunately, I have never owned an Xbox due to financial issues. I have only had second-hand PSP and DS consoles, which I was able to acquire at very affordable prices. In the future, I may consider getting an Xbox, especially when I have more time to play games and have more money. Hehe.
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Throughout my years, I've managed to purchase multiple Xbox consoles. I received my original Xbox as a Christmas present in 2002. After the first console I received, the Xbox 360 then settled down with my most recent Xbox One model.
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Throughout my years, I've managed to purchase multiple Xbox consoles. I received my original Xbox as a Christmas present in 2002. After the first console I received, the Xbox 360 then settled down with my most recent Xbox One model.
Do you have any plans of getting Xbox Series X? It's like the PlayStation 5 of Sony. I don't have it yet though but I plan on getting it.
Do you have any plans of getting Xbox Series X? It's like the PlayStation 5 of Sony. I don't have it yet though but I plan on getting it.
That's true! Each console has unique performance and lots of improvements on the last version. I'm so much interested but my low budget is saying no for now.
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