What's the longest amount of time you've sat and played a game?


25 and UP! VPL Member
How long have you gamed in a single effort?

Thinking about that length, how often do you get close to that?
I can play certain games 24/7 which is one of the reasons I took a break from gaming. I get too distracted from what I need to get done in real life.
Playing a game for a full day is destructive, and I am glad that you analysed that and decided to call it quits. Gaming should not limit you from achieving the things you set to do in life.
It would have to be 24 hours and that game was D2 LOD. One of my favorite games I have ever played. I wish I could get back into it but I have lost motivation in those games, unfortunately.
The longest amount of time I remember sitting and playing a game was around 9 hours once when I was livestreaming back in 2022 I believe it was. I was playing Fortnite so very easy to get sucked in 🙂
Possibly Halo when I was younger, but I don't recall the allotted house I've spent playing the game in one session.
I once played a game for about 6 hours straight! It was super fun, and I forgot all about the time..
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