Why is it that everybody loves snow while growing up but when they became an adult, it became a thing of hate?I still love the snow, so that doesn't bother me but I don't really care for when the leaves start falling because now I have to rake them! Back when I was a kid, it was fun to jump in a big pile of leaves.
I never hated Brussel sprout because I used to enjoy it in stew or on top of my rice. My mom knows how to make me salivate on food and she can cook different delicacies. She taught me on how to use Brussel sprout for vegetable stew.totally agree with you. The snow days are so appealing to me when I was a kid, but now it just means dealing with traffic and shoveling snow whuch is not palatable at all. Brussel sprouts are another thing that I used to hate as a kid, but now I actually like them.
This is the same thing with me too because the snow days were indeed very magical as a kid, but as an adult, i discovered that a lot of commitments comes with it and that takes the excitement away.Snow days were the best thing ever as a kid. Now, they just mean shoveling the driveway and rescheduling everything 🙁