What video game have you put the most hours into?


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Video Games: What video game have you put the most hours into?

My favorite game is Minecraft and I don't get bored with it. I have played this game for a complete 18 hrs a day. As I played, I was eating snacks. It was a satisfying experience but that's the highest I've gone with games. I build cool things and fight bad guys as well, making it fun all the way.
I would have to say a well-made RTS (real time strategy) game because the missions always change, therefore the gameplay would too. You would always have something new to do, so the game never really ends until that "mission" does.

Like for me, Star Craft never really ended. It just continued for hours and hours.
Minectaft is one of the first games I started playing, I don't think I have played other games as much as Minecraft.
Minecraft is awesome! But for me, I also think that World of Warcraft is the biggest time-sinker. I love to explore the magical lands, fighting dragons, and also playing with friends.
I would have to say that the game I have put the most hours into at least as of now has been Fortnite with Destiny 2 being a close second.
For me, that would have been Hogwarts: Legacy when it came out last year. I could play that game all day and not realize how long I've been playing it. I'd sit down to start playing and next thing I know, my hubby is coming home from work.
For me, that would have been Hogwarts: Legacy when it came out last year. I could play that game all day and not realize how long I've been playing it. I'd sit down to start playing and next thing I know, my hubby is coming home from work.
I can relate to that. For me, it's Minecraft and The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. I have spent so many hours constructing and playing in those games. The time seems to pass very quickly when playing those games. There have been times I sit down to play in the evening only to find myself playing all through the night.
It has to be Pokemon GO. I've been playing it almost since the beginning and open the app multiple times every day.
I can relate to that. For me, it's Minecraft and The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. I have spent so many hours constructing and playing in those games. The time seems to pass very quickly when playing those games. There have been times I sit down to play in the evening only to find myself playing all through the night.

I don't normally play very late unless I know it's a day off the next day. I check to make sure I don't have to get up early the next day. But normally I don't stay up too late.....I just get up early on my day off and play until my hubby comes home from work.
Man this is a tough one! I've put tons of hours in many different games throughout the years. I think Sonic Adventure is the game I put the most hours in. I have a chao that I've been raising for years now, I named it Raven lol. I want to get all the emblems in Sonic Adventure DX so in order to do that you need to get the chao ones. I think I'm missing one Chao race emblem.
I enjoy roaming the game’s world and walking through it and also completing tasks and fighting the antagonists. It is also entertaining to play with others. It is timeless and I don't even know when I spent quite a lot of time while playing games like that. They are kind of pleasant game which I like very much.
I enjoy roaming the game’s world and walking through it and also completing tasks and fighting the antagonists. It is also entertaining to play with others. It is timeless and I don't even know when I spent quite a lot of time while playing games like that. They are kind of pleasant game which I like very much.
That’s wonderful to hear that you like games so much. That is maybe why so many people like to explore virtual worlds and play with other people. It can really be a lot of fun.
I have to say, Resident Evil. It was one of the first games I played on my PlayStation, and I became so hooked that I would often skip lunch or dinner just to keep playing. Hehe