A graphics overhaul would be just fine. But if I still have to do something else, I'd definitely revamp the plot and storyline as well. Neopets has a rich world, but I see that the plot has been stagnant for many years.
A graphics overhaul would be just fine. But if I still have to do something else, I'd definitely revamp the plot and storyline as well. Neopets has a rich world, but I see that the plot has been stagnant for many years.
What would you add to the storyline and plot? I’d like to see a revamp of the censorship on the forums and Neomail. A lot of words are censored that really shouldn’t be. Neopets customer service needs improvement, and I’d update that part of the game if I could.
I think the game needs more point-sinking features since there are a lot of Neopoints in circulation. Some users have over 800 million Neopoints, so I would implement more features that encourage users to spend their points instead of hoarding them, like more rare items in the Hidden Tower.
I'd focus on modernizing the Neopets' layout and navigation because it can be outdated. Here is why, a more mobile-friendly design would definitely attract new players and improve the overall experience as well.