What’s the Most Nostalgic Thing You Own?

For me, it's one of my childhood teddy bear. He's been with me through thick and thin, and I still keep him on my bed till now. What's the most nostalgic thing you own?
That's so sweet of you! For me, its got to be my grandfather's old vinyl record player. His collection of classic gets to me every time I listen to them. It transports me back to my childhood.
That's so sweet of you! For me, its got to be my grandfather's old vinyl record player. His collection of classic gets to me every time I listen to them. It transports me back to my childhood.
There's something very special about the physical objects that hold memories to me. I remembered that I have a box of old letters from friends and each time I read them, it takes me back to a different time and places.
Who I consider a dad, but didn't quite make it to the common-in-law year for marriage (10) to be "official", had a lot of silver and gold in his safe that he accumulated when it was just in the tens of dollars/hundreds.

When he passed, his sister gave us 1 American Gold Eagle and 1 American Silver Eagle.

I've needed money desperately at times, but I never sold them to get it.

I hope my children can pass it down and do the same. I already gave the American Silver Eagle to my daughter, but keeping the gold until she's mature enough to know how much it's worth, and the sentimental value it holds, and might hold when I give it to her.
Oh, something that isn't sentimental, but is still nostalgic to me, is a hoodie. It's two to three sizes too small now, because I was only 120 pounds then, and it had to have shrunk. Nevertheless, I have kept it all these years since about 2007.

I was drunk one night walking the city finding hidden gems (i.e., new bars) off the beaten path. I found a bar that was also a used clothing shop.

Found me a killer hoodie that fit perfectly and was brown, with an import beer company logo on it (unsure now and don't want to pull it out, but it was I believe a lion's face of sorts in white) my color of choice back then. And, found me a new drinking spot that I went to with my girlfriend to stay out of sight.
For me, it’s my baseball trophy that I earned when I was younger. I received it after an All-Star game.

Also, two of my jackets that my grandparents bought me are very special to me and hold a lot of value in my heart.

Another thing is my dad’s old-school stereo. It still plays CDs.
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Also, two of my jackets that my grandparents bought me are very special to me and hold a lot of value in my heart.
While I don't have it with me where I currently live (it's at my mother's house), I have a leather jacket that is special to me too.

I wanted a brown leather jacket that was around $300. I asked my mom for it, over, and over. It took her about 2 months to give in.

Looking back on it, it was a selfish thing to do. She only earned $377 per month (rent/utilities paid for) and a small child support check of like $400 from my deadbeat dad. On the other hand, I didn't really have a concept of money, so thought $300 for a jacket was still reasonable.

To my surprise, she got me the jacket.

What I didn't know, or understand at the time, was that she had a $7500 credit card that she was making minimum payments on, and finally got it down to enough to put the jacket on credit.

Fast forward a decade later: My first 5 figure sales commission check, I wanted to wipe her debt clear, because I understood my jacket (PlayStation, etc.) was compounded in that figure as the high 20% interest just never let her pay it down. It was still hovering around her -- then increased -- limit of $10,000. I called in and tried to make a payment to surprise her, but the credit agency couldn't take the payment without her authorization, which I found dumb... why reject money if you want to pay off someone's random debt? Anyway, they had to put me on hold and then call her for a payment authorization, then when she confirmed, we connected 3-way and I made the payment. She was still surprised, and I'm so glad I could do that for her. She is now debt-free because I made her close the account (and later promise to not open any other lines of credit, and to rather ask me if she needs something).
One of the most nostalgic things I own is a pink teddy bear I have had since I was a baby.
I have always kept it safe on the top shelf of my wardrobe so it doesn't go missing or get ruined.
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I feel like it's all of my old-school Yu-Gi-Oh cards, particularly the original artwork in the first anime.