Rescreatu version 4 is in the works

Rescreatu’s staff members are currently developing the next version of the game. This new version will introduce various changes and some exciting new features.

Here are the updates regarding version 4 of Rescreatu. We will keep this thread updated with the latest news.

V4 is underway!​

That reason being: We’re embarking on the next version of Rescreatu!! ✨

This involves a completely new mobile-friendly website and a system built from the ground up that will give us some really fun, modern capabilities.

To deeply immerse you into the Rescreatu universe, along with a brand new website, we need to create a more well-rounded gameplay experience to crank up the level of enjoyment while playing the site. Including providing incredible quality of life updates, and seeing long-awaited features finally come to life!

Right now, we’re well into the initial planning, conceptual design, and prototyping stages, and a direction is forming!

Needless to say, there is still a lot of work ahead of us. Once we finish molding the overall plan, we intend to implement these changes little-by-little rather than all at once. So you will see a mix of both the old and new website as we develop updates.

Current Roadmap​

As said, we’re currently working out exactly how the site’s gameplay will flow better as a whole by focusing on the core features of the site as one unit first. So, here’s our focus so far:

We envision a Rescreatu where you can login to explore the four worlds more visually and embark on quests to discover the mysteries of this universe with your favorite Creatu by your side! To visit all the different areas and experience the stories of those that live there. As well as earn unlockable Creatu species and items, participate in daily tasks, and beyond.

As part of that core unit so far, Explore, the Hatchery, Maps and Quests, and a Tutorial for new players are the first group of features being worked on. Battle is part of this central group of features as well! It will just take longer to plan out its entire scope.

Establishing the plan for Rescreatu’s game design helps us know what will be required of the new website. This is a crucial step to ensure that it can support all the things we want to create moving forward.

At the same time, we’ve been working on a prototype of the new website design, taking into consideration all the wonderful feedback from the Site Redesign Survey! This prototype is a way to help envision how the new website will need to be built and interact without worrying about the actual functionality. More will be revealed on this as we go.

Our goal with this new blog is to involve every Rescreatan in this new future every step of the way.

So let’s go!! Here’s a first sneak peek at the current Hatchery concept! 👀
More info about it will be shared in the near future.


More soon!​

It can’t be understated how much we value everyone’s passion and support for this corner of the universe called Rescreatu. Your patience has not gone unnoticed while we’ve been spurring these big dreams of ours into action. Thank you for travelling on this journey with us to create Rescreatu into something marvelous together!

We hope you’re as excited as we are!! Look forward to seeing frequent check-ins from behind the scenes, as your feedback is a crucial element to all of this! We’re looking forward to your comments and insight.

Source: New Insider Blog & Egg Marketplace Revamp Info
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It's absolutely stunning how the team have actually incorporate our feedback into the new version. That's remarkable.

They’re currently testing the new Hatchery system, which is apart of the new v4 system.​

The New Hatchery​

Your hatchery takes care of all your eggs’ basic needs. The incubator allows you to strategize and influence the outcome of your hatches.


Casual Hatching​

Incubation is not required. No more waiting to hatch your daily eggs!


The Incubator​

The incubator is an extra feature that’s not required to hatch eggs. Hatching eggs within the incubator gives you extra perk options, if you wish.


Incubating Eggs​

When an egg is incubated, it guarantees it will not hatch a natural. Once started, eggs are locked-in for the entire incubation period.


Incubator Slots​

The incubator has a limited amount of space for eggs to be incubated. The number of slots you have unlocked (permanent) also represents the total number of hatches you can do each day.


Unlockable Incubator Slots​

You start with 3 slots by default and can unlock 2 more with tu for a total of 5. Premium accounts unlock 1 more slot for a total of 6 slots.


Attach Boons to Eggs​

Use specific boon items to add that Boon permanentlyto an egg before incubation begins to increase its odds. These egg boon items can be bought, obtained, or made yourself. There are 3 kinds of boons you can choose from.



Color boonsincrease the chance for a certain hatch color. A Double boon increases the chance of hatching two Creatu from a single egg of a different color. Mutant boonincreases the chance for a mutant Creatu.


Optimized Boons​

Optimize your boon eggs when putting the same boon on all incubator slots at once. Optimized Boon Eggs give a slightly higher chance increase than regular boon eggs.


Incubator Energy​

Using the incubator costs energy, whether incubating eggs or hatching eggs within the incubator for additional perks. Cooldown periods are reduced by cleaning and resupplying the hatchery.


Incubator Hatching Perks​

Hatching eggs placed within the incubator gives you additional perks at the cost of energy. The “Cozy Placement” perk slightly increases the chance your hatch will not be a natural. The “Twins” perk increases the chance your hatch will give you twins of the same color.


Hatch Bonus Meter​

Consecutively hatching eggs that have the same Boon increases a Hatch Bonus meter, giving your boon eggs even better chances! The meter resets once your boon has been granted.


Daily Rewards Bonus​

Complete this new Daily Rewards tier for another increased chance for Twins on your hatches for that day. The current tier for one extra hatch will replace this new daily perk. This bonus can stack with the Twins perk from hatching within the incubator.


Egg Ages and Mutants​

Hatching mutants will now only hatch from Old eggs by default. Spoiled eggs will not be hatchable and will become a utility for making Boon Items. Spoiled eggs make your hatchery dirty, slowing down the cooldown time of your incubator’s energy restoration.


Combining Tactics​

Choose your strategy based on what you’re going for.

Examples: To potentially get 3 babies from one hatch, build your Hatch Bonus meter by hatching Double Boon eggs in combination with the Daily Rewards bonus and incubation hatching (for a higher chance for twins)!

To potentially get 2 albinos from one hatch, build your meter by hatching Albino boon eggs in combo with the same twins-increasing options!


CS Creatu​

Incubating, boons, perks, and bonuses for Cash Shop pets will work differently. However, we’re not sure exactly how yet. Any ideas?


Levels of play​

Below shows the amount of dedication you can have to strategize your hatches.

Casual gameplay: Get eggs and hatch them! No wait.

Moderate gameplay: Incubate eggs and wait! Guaranteed to not hatch a the color Natural. When starting incubation, additionally have the option to add a special Boon to eggs to increase odds at hatching a certain hatch color, double creatu, or a mutant. Hatch within the incubator for more perks.

Dedicated gameplay: All the above PLUS earning higher-chance Optimized Boon Eggs when putting the same Boon on all incubator slots at once. Reach a new Daily Rewards Bonus that gives your incubator an additional chance for Twins. Consecutively hatching eggs that have the same Boon increases a Hatch Bonus meter, giving you better chances.

❗ What do you think about this new hatching system?​

We’d love to hear what you think or questions you may have in the comments!

I’ll be directly responding to them for further discussion, and sharing more details about the new hatchery as things go.
The Rescreatu staff team has updated their development blog with their upcoming plans for the new map system that will be featured in v4. Currently a prototype, these plans are open for feedback from members.

Today we’re sharing our plans for the new map system that will be in the next version of Rescreatu. Let’s have a look around!

Traverse the planets far and wide!​

Maps will become the centralized place for Rescreatu citizens to explore the universe. You can go to every location directly within this new map system. (There will be easy ways to access certain places or pages via a site menu as well.)

⚡❗ Heads up: This information is in the early stages of development!

The images you see here are mock-up sketches showcasing the overall concept of our exciting new map system. They’re designed to give you a sneak peek at how it’ll work, but keep in mind that some details might change before the official release.

Just a friendly reminder: We’ll begin creating this map system after we’ve laid the groundwork for our shiny new website.

We’re sharing this with you now because we value your input. Your feedback will help us make sure the concept is rock-solid when the time comes to bring it to life!

The solar system map​


Visit each planet quickly through the solar system map view. Currently there are 4 main planets you can visit and 1 inaccessible planet in the Rescreatu solar system. And who knows what else is out there!

Planet maps​


Each planet map is projected in an isometric view, such as this concept art above of Relcore’s new map. You may notice some familiar locations and some new ones. 😉

More places to discover​


This new map system will allow Rescreatans to chart the planets more than ever before. There are so many unknown discoveries that await! Have you ever asked yourself what’s on the “other side” of these planets we all know so well? 👀

Interactive user interface​


The planet maps will have an app-like interactive map experience where you’re able to easily zoom, show/hide labels, and click on specific locations. Above is a mobile demonstration showing this.



Each location has an icon that can be clicked to see where it leads, and every location will vary on what you can do there. This could be a specific activity or shop that you can visit to bring you to a new page, or you can have your creatu explore a location to see what items or eggs they can find.

Location information​



Clicking on a location will show at a glance what each location entails before entering.

Detect new species, quests, or items​


Checking locations will also tell you if the system detects a new creatu species or quest item that can be discovered there.

Creatu spots​


Most creatu species can be found while exploring any location throughout their given planet. However, it’s been discovered recently that each creatu species has a specific location where they can be found more frequently as well.

Map visibility/progression​


New location icons will appear as you explore and do quests, and parts of the map may even be revealed by becoming uncovered.



Your quests may often lead you to any of the four planets in search of something or someone. Available and current quests will be noted by distinct icons on the planet maps, so you know exactly where they are.

What do you think about the new map system?​

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