Project Kumos - Subeta

Subeta is currently being recoded and Project Kumos is the new version that is being developed. Subeta’s staff team is working hard on developing the new Subeta, and we’ll share updates on Project Kumos in this thread as they become available.

Hello! Welcome to my "new" place for posting updates. I'm going to do a broad update on the "Project Kumos" site, and some upcoming posts you can keep an eye out for.

Project Kumos & Ambitions​

The goal always to rewrite the site 1:1, and use that opportunity to create new backend systems that make it easy to add new features. I got distracted from that goal by trying to build the Homesteads, and an entirely new set of features on top of our existing ones. I made it pretty far down this road, further than I'd like to admit, before realizing I'd made a mistake in approach, and it made it impossible to provide frequent (or any, really) updates to y'all.

❗ Homesteads are getting scaled back. This is a good thing - they were getting to be a HUGE feature, that would have moved how everyone uses the site to require them to use a homestead. I'm going to instead tackle this as a series of changes to the site, starting with allowing users to create a homestead of a zone from the map (starting with just a few) and create a garden there. Simple(ish)!

Homesteads + Gardens​

That means the LARGE homestead project is 🧊 on ice 🧊. From the screenshot below you can see I was getting way too down far a road of customization and 3d graphics generating a home, where you'd be able to see your things growing. Obviously, that wasn't what was needed for Subeta right now or what I should be focused on.

The rest of the Homestead programming was a task and crafting system, both of which have already been built and will be used for bringing over features on the site that will need to use them. Spell creation for example, will be very easy to add to the site with the crafting system!


(Look at this -- it was getting into fully letting you generate a little map with your plants growing. It was fun to build, but ... not a good use of my time probably)

I'm going to start resetting the Homestead page, and will remove it from the header until it's ready for y'all to create one. We're going to allow you to create one in three starter zones, with special seeds (not many) that can only grow in that zone. I can see us adding to homesteads by using them for things like Trick or Treating.

As a little preview (And so you can start planning) the three zones will be:
- 🌳 Veta
- 👻 Shadowglen
- 🏝️ Omen Islands

We aimed for starting zones that have different climates and give us some fun plants to play around with.


We are going to move forward with gardens being the first feature we move over into the homestead. Allowing you to plant lots of seeds, and some seeds that are unique to those zones that will be new. This is a lot more in line with the vision of transferring things over to new programming, without changing them too much.

So instead, they're going to look much simpler and something like:

Kumos Forums​

I spent a few weeks investigating using an "off the shelf" forum software solution for us, called waterhole. It's a really great piece of software that would have given us a lot of benefits like showing roadmaps, searching, etc. I'm still considering this a possible option, but right now they're on version 0.4 and getting some of the Subeta specific integration proved to be too difficult. Things like having user avatars show up, or event specific features (biting 🧛‍♂️) would have taken a lot of work and not felt exactly right. I've put in a few feature requests to the creator / programmer of those forums, and will keep an eye on updates down the road.

On top of that, I started rewriting our forums on That created a set of redundant forums that make it hard to know the right place to look for information.

Until we know the fate of Waterhole and our ability to customize it as much as we need to, I'm going to take the forums down from and have them redirect here. I'm going to change the (kumos) sidebar to show updates from this forum ("Technical Blog").

The UAs have been waiting years for a "new forum system" to do a "forum squish" - remove a lot of unused forums and reduce ourselves down to a few major ones. We're going to move ahead with that plan on these forums, with more information coming soon. Topics will be moved around and forum categories will be hidden. This should happen relatively soon and make things like search much easier.

After a forum squish, I'm going to make show posts from these forums, with added functionality for mods and users - like the sticker reaction feature built in there. Continuing to build on top of what we have, instead of starting from scratch. You'll be hearing me say that a lot!

Upcoming Technical Blogs​

I've got a few of these pre-written so that I can keep up a pace
They'll get posted with changes made to the Kumos site, or looking for feedback.

- Forum Squish: What forums will be sticking around, and how posts will be merged into the new forums
- Layout: I've got some major changes on a branch, that will bring back themes (they're currently broken) on Kumos
- Sidebar: Customization and widgets come to the Kumos site! I know I've said in the past that I'd never do this again, but they get great use by most users (even if they don't modify the default ones), and being able to move them around and use them to give information is really valuable. So, you'll be able to drag them around, and choose some of them to add.
- Registration: Most of you will never need to see this page again, but there are some major improvements that we can make to our registration flow, including pet creation and choosing a basic avatar.
- Collections: Easier management, and choosing favorites that are displayed at the top your collection.
- ❗ Large scale item updates: This is the one that will be looking for feedback and further thoughts. We're going ahead with the "rarity squish" I discussed a few years ago (r1-99 items only) and some changes to the main shops and how they work.
- Notification/Event system updates
- 👀 Reputation System: more coming soon 🤫

Inventory Improvements​

The inventory page on Kumos (I'm going to need an emoji or something to denote that here 😰) has been updated, and I know that it just seems like a List Of Inventory Items, but a lotwent into creating this page, and it'll make building additional pages much easier.

Generated Table​

The table that lists the items is something we use a lot on other pages on Subeta, and you'll notice that you can sort by column very quickly(that's key!). I can also easily add a column with a check-box for multi selecting. This table backend will power a lot of upcoming pages! Things like user shops and custom wearable shops become much easier with this underlying component made so easily transferable.


Right now you can move items to your vault, or items that aren't in your wardrobe will have a wardrobe action. This is building up the movement of inventory items (that comes with all of the logging needed for the UAs to check if something goes wrong!) and wardrobe/vault items. This makes it easier to add additional actions (And I will be as soon as I hit post here
) and use those same actions elsewhere on the site.

Smaller Updates​

Item Hovers​

- ➕ Shows avatar preview
- 🔜 Wishlist details, and the ability to add to wishlist
- 🐛 These do not work on inserted UI


- 🏛 Archive has "load random post" button that generates a random news post from that month. I got this on my first spin 🙃
- ⏲️ Some improvements need to be made to the speed on loading these older posts - it has to get a lot of things that are not in cache

- 🔜 Going to move these posts to a separate tab on the news ("Kumos Improvements") soon
This sounds great. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed until they've finally completed this new project they are working on. I won't give myself high hopes to have it shattered if they cut it off.
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I'm excited to hear about this project. The new features added will definitely enhance the Subeta experience. The staff team have really put so much efforts in the project.
Some new Project Kumos updates have been released.

Vending Machine Update​

Thank you 🙏 to all of you who helped test the vending machinemechanics. I appreciate the help, and remember to join the #siteupdate forum group, you never know when something will come up soon 😉.

We're introducing the revamped Gift of Fashions Past vending machine 🎉. For some of you, this will be your first experience until we revamp the rest of them, so let me introduce you to some of the new concepts.

Finite Items / Pool​


Each vending machine has a finite pool of items to grab from, and we won't say how much 🤫. The indicator will give you an idea of how many more there are, but not exactly how much.

This gives us control over the number of an item that go out, and the confidence to tell you *exactly* how many of an item went out this way. You'll see more exclusive items in other (non-CSC) vending machines in the future take advantage of this feature by stocking low amounts, but exciting items.

❗ We're moving around where items come from on our side, and going forward all wearables we're trying to bring back in circulation will come from here, and non-wearables from the hustler.

Item Pool Rarities​


We've always had the concept of high / low chance in vending machines. We could make it so that some tagged items appeared at a 1,20 less chance, but we could never really tell you what that meant, because we couldn't tell you how many items there were, exactly, in the pool.

Now, with exact limits on items (what happens if they run out! we'll see??) we can make items more infrequent. This is as a "chance machine" here, but we can use this mechanic in a lot of exciting ways in the future.

Daily Limit​


This now has a 5 per day limit, sorry 😞. It's meant to be a fun use of a small-ish amount of CSC, not something you spin to stock up your shop with by spending as much as you can.

To make up for it, we've added some exciting new items and are even looking for what you might like to see in the future.

Project Kumos updates​

I'm making progress on lots of exciting updates on the site, including the ones above! They bring together a lot of different moving pieces, that make it easier and easier to port over features from the site. Right now we're just checking and double checking things like the other vending machines and shops. Here are some highlights!

Item Details

As more and more of those moving pieces get bought on line, this page updates quickly with more and more information.

Try using the search feature there, it's unpolished but great!

User Icons

We've been toying around with moving away from the little person icons. We've already got a human representation in the avatars, and we've really tried shrinking them down in every single way. Take those circular avatars and make them 16x16. Sure, that'll be legible.

We can change these to any colors we'd like, alter the border, and even swap out the icon for something else, like if you earned ultra special icons from features or plots in the future.

Rough: News Comments + Sticker Reactions

Check out this post itself in the news, and you'll see the comments. Some sCode (like the spoiler tag, coming soon!) don't work, but for the most part it does.

One thing I'm playing around with is using your sticker collection as reactions around the site. Check out your collection and choose up to 5 favorites.

On news comments, clicking the "React" button will show you those favorites and you can use them to react. This will be used, if at all, in the forums and other areas of the site where you'll react to things, so choose those favorites wisely!

Subeta has rolled out their new item feature for labelling items, which is apart of their kumos roll out.

Here’s the latest’s news post from Keith(the owner of Subeta):
six years ago, many of you helped label items (yes, SIX+ years 😭), and i’m thrilled to say your work is finally paying off! overnight, while the servers take a breather, our system is populating all item data with labels from a few sources. you can check out your hard work here on the kumos labels page, which will keep filling in as the script runs.

these labels are going to be SO awesome for organizing and finding items as the number of items on-site keeps exploding (another decade of growth? yes!).

we’re not done yet, though, and still need your help! the item identifier is now on the kumos site with improved instructions and the same reward: 10,000sP per labeled item. the new instructions should make it easier to get started, and you can label items like you’d use them yourself.

the system prioritizes newer, unlabeled items, so you’ll likely spot some fresh stuff you’ve never seen before (perfect for wishlist updates 👀). thank you for helping organize 20 years of items, we'll be making use of all of this very soon 👀

Source: Subeta: 🎉 Exciting update on item labels! 🎉
Subeta has brought back its Auction House, which is a revamp under the Kumos recode! There have been new features that have been introduced with the new auction house as well:

After years of anticipation, we're thrilled to announce that the Subeta Auction House has reopened its magnificent doors! This isn't just any reopening – we've completely revamped the system with exciting new features that will transform how you auction off your rare treasures.

✨ What's New in the Auction House:
  • Custom Wearables Trading - For the first time ever, sell your Custom Wearables for Cash Shop Credits! Just select a CW on the creation screen to enter CSC mode
  • NPC Sellers - The Hustler is offering retired SBQ items, and Melody is keeping her popular items accessible, who will be next?
  • Gold Account Perks - Exclusive access to the new 🏅 "Good Deals" 💸 page, helping our Gold members find the best auction bargains
  • Wishlist View - Use the new wishlist view to see any auctions running with your items from your wishlist

📜 How It Works:
  • List any item worth 100,000sP or more
  • Auctions can run up to 31 days
  • 5% listing fee applies to sP auctions (keeping our auctioneers in business!)
  • Easy filtering between sP and CSC auctions

Ready to start trading? Visit the Subeta Auction House today and discover rare treasures or list your own valuable items!

Remember: Whether you're hunting for retired items, seeking Custom Wearables, or looking to make a profit, the Auction House is your premier destination for Subeta's most coveted treasures!
Source: Subeta: 🎉 The Grand Reopening of the Subeta Auction House! 🎉

What are your thoughts on the newly released auction house?
Subeta is testing a new questing and reputation system: Subeta: Login!

### 🔗 links
i know you're looking for these first, so here they are 😉:

right now the 🧙‍♂️ wizard is the only quest available for testing, and you can do 5 quests.


## 📆 npc quests today
npc quests are the quiet MVP of the site. they keep the economy alive—circulating items that need value adjustments and injecting sP to keep your wallet stocked.

over the years, we've barely changed how quests work. sure, we’ve tinkered with numbers and thrown in holiday currencies or shiny prizes here and there, but the fundamentals? untouched.

the last "big" update introduced quest points—an rng-based currency for the quest shop. it’s nice to save up for something cool, but let’s be real, bad rng streaks can suck the joy out of questing.

with this rewrite for the new codebase, we’re making big changes that focus on clarity, balance, and long-term sustainability. say goodbye to randomness and hello to structured rewards.


## 🆕 npc reputation
building on the npc upgrades from composting and melody, we’re introducing npc reputation—the new, improved system replacing quest points.

### how it works:
- every completed quest earns reputation, which levels up your standing with the npc.
e.g., start as apprentice seeker with the wizard and work your way up.
  • your current reputation and perks are visible on the npc’s details page: wizard details.
  • reputation unlocks exclusive perks and better shop items at higher levels.

### why this matters:
instead of crossing your fingers for random buffs or prizes, you’ll have clear goals. for example, reaching level 2 with the 🧙‍♂️ wizard gets you a 1% sP bonus for his quests. these buffs stack as you progress.

in the future, expect bonuses like increased item rewards or chances for special prizes. plus, rep isn’t just for quests—it’ll integrate into other npc-driven features across kumos.

### when testing ends:
  • quest points will be retired, but you’ll get to convert them to sP at a great rate.
  • all current quest shop items will migrate to tier 1 npc shops, available for sP.


## 🧘 ease of questing
streamlined questing means fewer page jumps:
  • return items directly from your vault, inventory, or user shop (cheapest auto-selected).
  • grab items from npc storefronts if they stock it.

future updates will include pulling from your own shop inventory. feedback welcome on adjusting the order of these options!


## 🆕 more quests, fewer quests
### 🔜 coming soon:
right now, only the wizard quests are active, capped at 5 quests per account. later, we’ll test a broader pool with more variety.

### the change:
  • fewer quests per npc (only 3/day), but with more focused item requests and better prizes.
  • daily quest pools will rotate, giving more variety and flexibility.
  • gold accounts get 3 additional npc options per day (9 extra quests).

why? with more specific quests, rewards can scale better—no devaluing unique prizes. total sP output will remain balanced, but each quest will feel more worthwhile.


## other quests
shinwa’s quests haven’t been updated yet but will align with the new system. she’d send you to current quest givers in your daily pool, and we’ll revisit her rewards. got ideas? just don’t say "only the good items" 😏.

What are your thoughts on the upcoming questing and reputation system? Do you think this system will be better than the current quest system?