Neopets adds representation for those with disabilities

In the past year alone, Neopets has added numerious medical disablitily representation items from new hairstyles, lanyards, service dogs, feeding tube items, therapy vests and a few clothing line items.

It’s amazing that Neopets has added representation for those with medical disablities.

Source: (BadLib, tumblr)

What are your thoughts on Neopets adding representation for those with disabilities onto the game? Are you in full support of it? Would you like to see them add more support?
Honestly, I was very impressed to see Neopets add more representation for those with disabilities onto the game. It shows how they're looking out to cover for more audience who plays the game. This is one of the reason why they are among the biggest pet game sites today.
This is so incredible! It would allow people with disability to be represented in a game. The new items are great additions.