I've been here a while... Finally, an avatar. Thoughts?


VPL Top Contributor
I couldn't decide on what I wanted for an avatar. I wanted something that matched my username.

Won't Bite, I imagined a dog that wouldn't bite you.

However, I spelled "bite" as "Byte" as I am into IT and such. So, I added the matrix to it.

All done in ChatGPT, of course, cause I'm not a graphics designer (photographer and can do some edits, but could never get something like this).

Aww, it's really cute and I love the Matrix background!

I was able to get something that looked pretty decent using Chat GPT.

The first round of avatars looked like mean dogs, probably because it was in reference to the Matrix too. I had to keep telling it to give me nicer dogs.

It took about 15 tries to get a nice cartoonish dog like this. 😅

I only got to this point because it gave me a "real" dog.


Which I then just instructed to turn into an illustration. And then, my avatar was born.