Steam Isles of Isvenness, the creature game

Isles of Isvenness

Isles of Isvenness is an upcoming cozy creature-collecting idle game that’ll feature vibrant handcrafted islands that are freely movable on your screen. Harness elemental aether, grow your creature collection, complete missions, and achieve progression milestones at your own pace for a relaxing and rewarding gameplay experience.

You’ll play as Kazu, the adventurous doggo, as you harness elemental aether, collect Aethlings, and complete missions and achievements while focusing on other things.

Collect Aethlings and Harness Elemental Aether

You will also be able to Summon, collect, and deploy your Aethlings across the islands to help gather elemental aether: Terra, Inferno, and Aqua. Level up your Aethlings to unlock additional mission abilities and grow your collection with new species and rarity forms. Participate in dynamic quests that occur at random timepoints to accelerate aether gathering.

This cozy creature game will be available on Steam upon release.

What are your thoughts on this upcoming creature game?