If You Could Have Any Superpower, What Would It Be?

This sounds incredible! But I think I'd choose time travel. This would give me the opposite to witness historical events firsthand and also meet legendary figures.
This sounds incredible! But I think I'd choose time travel. This would give me the opposite to witness historical events firsthand and also meet legendary figures.
This is amazing. Time travel would be mind-blowing because I'm thinking of the possibilities right now. But for me, teleportation still wins out. I'd really love to explore the world without the hassle of traveling.
I would love to be able to teleport anywhere, at any time. I could save so much money on gas since I wouldn't have to worry about driving everywhere! Plus I could instantly travel to anywhere in the world.
Read everyone's mind at once, be able to process all of the information, and be able to analyze all of the information to know what will happen next.
Are you sure that you can be able to handle all that information without it driving you crazy because if you can hear everyone's thoughts and read their mind at the same time, I think it's going to overload your capacity.
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Are you sure that you can be able to handle all that information without it driving you crazy because if you can hear everyone's thoughts and read their mind at the same time, I think it's going to overload your capacity.
I'd of course have the capacity of the largest LLM GPT times 1000 (or quantum computer processing power) to sort and know everything instantly.

It wouldn't just be a constant flow of information to annoy me. One of those things I could shut down or turn on and seek out.
I'd of course have the capacity of the largest LLM GPT times 1000 (or quantum computer processing power) to sort and know everything instantly.

It wouldn't just be a constant flow of information to annoy me. One of those things I could shut down or turn on and seek out.
You've got it figured out that if it's going to work that way with being able to shut down, turn on and seek out whatever you want, whenever you want it. Everything is under your control.
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You've got it figured out that if it's going to work that way with being able to shut down, turn on and seek out whatever you want, whenever you want it. Everything is under your control.
That's the only way it could work or else it'd drive you crazy.

Just in case, some failsafe to shut it off after consuming too much, because dopamine could keep me searching and searching, much like death scrolling on Instagram.