

Approved Game Owner
Hi there everyone.

I'm AstrophelChasmata, or you can call me Astro, and if you really want Jamie/James is fine for my actual name.
I'm 31 years old, phew, getting up there, and I'm working on making a petsite in my spare time.
My Day Job currently is working in Insurance for Property and Casuality.
I think I like pretty standard stuff, Anime and Manga, Webcomics, DnD, MMORPGs, Sims style games, a plethora of things really.
Slowly but surely I'm working my way to be more active in pet site communities while working on my own but it's been a bit of a doozie for me over the years.

I hope to make more friends and connections this time around and be an active face to chat with.
Welcome to the site! What kind of DnD games do you play?

Standard 3.5e to 5e are my go to, Pathfinder I feel made it too easy to survive unless like, you are really just a bad party set up or your DM/GM is just being a jerk. Such as one I recently had who put a 4 party team lvl 7 against 7 CR14, because " He could". Needless to say no one went back for another session there.

Some of the tabletop RPGs and little mini games they have made are fun. Closest video game to DnD base don it that I enjoyed other than Baldur's Gate 3, obviously, was Solasta but since they announced no further developments in favor of a new project, I stopped on that one but I loved being able to play the main story and other people's made ventures. I hope another game like it comes around that updates for a little longer.

Neverwinter stuff has always been 10/10 for me, but that's my personal opinion.