- 100% community driven game rating platform


New VPL Member
Hello everyone and happy new year.

I would like to introduce you my new game rating platform called


I've launched my first beta just on January the first of this year.

I need now users who are willing to participate by leaving some ratings and testing the platform and give me some valuable feedback.

Thank you for your attention.

Greetings 👋
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Thank you for sharing your game review site with us! I hope it does well.😁

Are all type of games acceptable on your platform?
Hey, thanks for making it possible.

I've updated my platform after some feedback I've got.

It's now only for steam games and the reason for that is because of the demand from users, that they wanted reviews only from people who actually own and played the games they want to rate.

So because if that you need now to login with steam, no user account creation necessary.

The platform will automatically check if you own the game you want to rate.

The goal is to build a trustworthy game rating platform.

I hope to find some people who participate and see as much value in the idea as I do.
Interesting concept, it's a shame you only have a Discord for the community and not a forum though but I get it, to the general audience they prefer using Discord even though forums are better IMO. Good luck with your site!
Thank you very much for your response and kind wishes.
I will consider implementing a forum.

Another thing what I am currently thinking is to make it on long term open source to build more trust into the platform and by that I would guarantee all players that I am never sold to any publishers and all reviews are real