Favorite music albums?

What music albums are your favorite? What music artists made these albums?

The following music albums are my favorite:
True story by $tupid young
True story 2 by $tupid young
Get rich or die tryin By 50 cent
The masacre by 50 cent
Tuff Love by Yatta Bandz

How many favorite music albums do you have?
I was born in 1976, but my music tastes stretch even from the 1950s. I can't name all the albums I like very easily. Anyway, I used to collect albums (in CD form) back in the 90s. Unfortunately, all these CDs got lost. It was so much money lost, but I was sort of spoiled then, lol.

Note: I'd like to get into collecting vinyl albums. They have a sound that CD and mp3s can't match.