Do you prefer city or country living?


VPL Legend Poster
Approved VPL Writer
As someone who has spent time in both cities and the countryside, I believe the countryside is much better. Still, there is some sort of feeling that comes with being awoken by the sounds of the birds. How about you? Are you more comfortable with the daily rush of activities accompanied by traffic noises or the quite space of the countryside?
I prefer city living since I’ve never experienced life in the countryside. I’ve lived in the city for basically my entire life.

That said, I think it would be interesting to see what country life is like, but at heart, I’m definitely a city person.
I don't like the city, but I can tolerate it. Well, I live in Nashville now and I enjoy the money and public transport, but my ultimate goal is to relocate to rural Southwest Virginia. I love the rural life there and large mountains. However, the downside is lack of job opportunities. It's a real challenge.

And, as of now, I'm making payments for this lot on a wooded mountain in Bluefield VA, near Bluefield WV. I'm excited about it but it will be a difficult to get water and electricity, even before building anything.

And my car is also ready to go. It just needs breaks and tires. It's currently being worked on in Virginia.
I've only lived in cities my whole life. However I have relatives that live in the country and I loved going to their house during the summertime to spend the night. It's peaceful in the country and it's cool because you get to see all the stars in the sky without having to worry about light pollution.