Do you like horror movies?


Growing VPL Member
I used to watch horror movies when I was younger but now, I cannot handle them any longer. I guess as I've gotten older, I have seen too much "horror" in real life. When I watch something, I don't want what's on the screen to mimic what is going on. However, I'm fine with "light" horror as long as there is some light-hearted acting to wind me down lol
What about you?
I much prefer horror with comedy rather than horror with depression, but not too much which is why I love Ready Or Not so much
Horror films are my favorite genre of movies actually! My spouse and I have been rewatching the Saw series, we haven't seen any of the films after VI and there's going to be a new film coming out next month so we want to get caught up. I know the Saw films aren't for everyone, they are super gory. I also like slashers that aren't that gory as well.
I like watching horror, but I don't need to see all the gore that the modern films believe is necessary. Sometimes it's just scarier to suggest an action than to rather show it. Hitchcock knew that so well!