Blog Software


VPL Veteran
What blog software do you find interesting? Now, of course, I'm thinking most people will say WordPress, but it's not all that out there, and I don't mean rinky-dink stuff that nobody is interested in.

Well, what stuff do you know about? I know one blog software is Ghost. Who has used that? Is it premium or free or something in between?
Ghost is free to use since it’s open source; however, you’ll need to install it on your own server.

I’ve personally never tried it, but I’ve seen some blogs that use the software.

Drupal is another blogging platform that isn’t too bad.

Concrete5 is similar to WordPress. Hugo (The world’s fastest framework for building websites) is a framework you can use to build a blog as well. @Gian uses it on their blog. It’s pretty neat!

Lore Gian
I have only ever used either WordPress or Blogger but have heard of Ghost just have not checked it out.

WordPress has always been the one that has provided me with everything I have needed.