Does your pet site generate more income than the web hosting costs?

I run multiple sites and most of my sites are self sustaining, they are generating enough revenue to pay for domain and hosting renewal and also marketing cost. Some sites are even making me money.
I don't run one, but I am curious to see what the average site pulls in.
This is an old news article, but at one point Aywas was generating $10,000-15,000 a month.

Awyas raked in $15,000 in its first month, funded by its 1,670 users. In spite of the success of her site, Kossler said she didn’t know of any U of C users.“The first month always makes the most money, but there is no guarantee it is going to make the same amount of revenue in the following months,” Kossler said. “The second month we will probably make $10,000. December is also a high revenue month, but then in January everyone has spent all their money so it drops down again.

Marapets also generates about $200k-250k a year according to their tax documents on the UK website. MARAPETS LIMITED filing history - Find and update company information - GOV.UK

Also, according to a Reddit user Marapets has over 1.3 million in savings.

in 2023 they had 237k cash in the bank you need to take out debt falling within 1 year of 96k though.

The business has retained earnings of 1.5 million ... why are they sitting on 1.5 million that's what i want to know. its not being spent on upgrading the site and it is not being spent on the servers clearly.

'Retained earnings are the cumulative net earnings or profits of a company after accounting for dividend payments. As an important concept in accounting, the word “retained” captures the fact that because those earnings were not paid out to shareholders as dividends, they were instead retained by the company.'
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@cpvr I'm curious. Do you know how much income Neopets generates?
It’s been operating at a loss for a couple of years now according to its current CEO, Dominic Law, but they’re trying make it profitable again. There isn’t any current financial reports available.

Dominic Law acquired Neopets from NetDragon Websoft in 2023 to reignite development on web game Neopets. Law says the game operated "at a loss" for a decade, but is already seeing spikes in revenue and monthly average users.Apr 8, 2024


Law explained that since he and his colleague jumpstarted active development on the game (he said that JumpStart and NetDragon had kept it on "life support" for the last decade), they've already watched "all their metrics" including engagement, revenue, and MA, jumping two-or-three times higher. "revenue-wise, viewership-wise, and engagement-wise, we're at our seven-year peak," he said said

There was a financial report from when Netdragon owned Neopets though.

Also, another reddit user(Logical_overlord) responded with the following:
I LITERALLY just looked this information up on google. Look at this. NetDragon Websoft Holdings Ltd (0777) Stock Price & News - Google Finance

This is NetDragon information.

Revenue 7.04B. (IN HKD currnecy). (Converted to USD $899,985,152).

Profit 1.06B (In HKD currency). (Converted to USD $135,509,128).

$899,985,152 USD. Then DIVIDE by 100 (To get 1% of total REVENUE). = $8,999,851.52

$135,509,128 USD. Then DIVIDE by 100 (To get 1% of total PROFIT). = $1,355,091.28

These calculations PRESSUPOSE that 1% REVENUE, EQUATES to 1% PROFIT!!!!! Yet, this will almost NEVER be the case. Different REVENUE streams, have DIFFERENT input cost(s), and will produce a different amount of PROFIT, for each amount of REVENUE inputted. For example. Something with produces 80% of the TOTAL REVENUE, could ALSO produce, 95% of the TOTAL PROFIT!!!!!! This is due to the possibility of other REVENUE streams having higher input cost(s) and possibly making a loss instead of making a profit. 😀 😀

THEREFORE, Neopets makes LESS THAN $8,999,851.52 IN REVENUE!!!!!!!!!! And LESS THAN $1,355,091.28 IN PROFIT!!!!!!!!!

Neopets has LESS THAN 25 employees (PRESSUPPOSING exactly 25 employees ALL full-time). Presuming cost per employee is $80,000 Per Year, Per Employee. $80,000 X 25 = $2,000,000. This is the LOW ESTIMATE of total business cost(s). Does NOT include other cost(s), such as server cost, building utilities cost, and various other possible cost(s). 😀 😀
I had a VPS at like $60 (they were much more back then) and making $150~.

If I started today, I would definitely be above $5000 a month once the game was finished, while managed (as I couldn't do the technical stuff, game, and run the company) a robust stack that was set up to scale as necessary might be $1000~ and part-time admin $3000. Leaves $1000 for reinvestment into advertising.
I had a VPS at like $60 (they were much more back then) and making $150~.

If I started today, I would definitely be above $5000 a month once the game was finished, while managed (as I couldn't do the technical stuff, game, and run the company) a robust stack that was set up to scale as necessary might be $1000~ and part-time admin $3000. Leaves $1000 for reinvestment into advertising.
I remember when hosting costs were a lot more expensive than they are today. Servers weren’t so cheap compared to now.

There’s a lot of better servers and cheaper options that you’re able to obtain that weren’t possible 5-8 years ago.

It’s great that hosting costs have dropped in prices as it enables us to focus on other developments of the site.
Mine doesnt generate any revenue...And I dont think it really ever will. ah well !
I dont want ads.. I hate ads... they're just malware spreaders..
no one wants to sponsor my site... and finding affiliates is hard!