Whats a forgotten franchise you wish would return?

It would be awesome to see a lot of the former pet sites come back, especially Nutrinopets, Petgamer, Creature World, Neuro Galaxy among others.
A lot of of the old pet sites had a lot of neat features. Club Penguin, Moshi Monsters and Toon town deserve a true reboot by their original founders. Their successors have been doing quite well, but the originals were global power houses. I think if they were able to come back, they'd probably still do well.
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It would be awesome to see a lot of the former pet sites come back, especially Nutrinopets, Petgamer, Creature World, Neuro Galaxy among others.
A lot of of the old pet sites had a lot of neat features. Club Penguin, Moshi Monsters and Toon town deserve a true reboot by their original founders. Their successors have been doing quite well, but the originals were global power houses. I think if they were able to come back, they'd probably still do well.
I agree with you on Club Penguin, Moshi Monsters and Toon Town needing a much better reboot. It's going to bring back lots of players into the game. They never flopped which is why a successful reboot will boost the game's shares high.
Digimon should come back! As a kid, I was obsessed with those digital pets, feeding, training and battling with them. It's such a great nostalgia. I would love to see a new version or revival of the original Digimon virtual pets, so those childhood memories could come back to me.
It would be awesome to see a lot of the former pet sites come back, especially Nutrinopets, Petgamer, Creature World, Neuro Galaxy among others.
A lot of of the old pet sites had a lot of neat features. Club Penguin, Moshi Monsters and Toon town deserve a true reboot by their original founders. Their successors have been doing quite well, but the originals were global power houses. I think if they were able to come back, they'd probably still do well.
You made me remember some amazing virtual pet sites that have virtually gone into extinction. Petgamer and Creature World are classics and bringing them back to life would be so great because those sites were global phenomena.
I would only like the classic virtual pet sites to return. And I also wish Digimon to return. The original Digimon World games were so much fun and I enjoyed raising and training my digital pets.