Recent content by Sleepysaur

  1. Sleepysaur

    Sweetheart Charlie and Sweetheart Pherret Revamp - Subeta

    So cute! Love that the charlie still keeps the raggedy whisker and "scar" on the leg.
  2. Sleepysaur

    Former Blizzard President thinks players should be able to tip game developers

    There ARE ways to support indie devs and small studios!! So long as they have a platform in which to do it through, like kofi, patreon, or itch.o for example! If I really enjoy a game and I have the money to spare, I try to do the same. Or offer to buy the game for a friend. Even if it sits in...
  3. Sleepysaur

    Purging inactive members that haven’t logged in years

    I agree, theres been many times where I've left or forgotten about a website in my youth and come back to it many years later to-in a petsite's case-relive the nostalgia or looked through all of the items/pets I had obtained during my stay. I can understand why purging might be necessary for a...
  4. Sleepysaur

    PawBorough - an upcoming cat-based RPG

    Oh I remember this!! I was wanting to support it during its fundraising period but I just didn't have the spare change to spare at the time for a key. I think I'll see if I can get in as a tester! Edit: Not an applied position but still good to know its up and running! Excited to see what comes...
  5. Sleepysaur

    How Neopets revival tripled users in six months

    It's honestly such great news for neopets and potentially for the future of petsites as a whole. Even I have dabbled in returning to neopets regularly ever since they started pushing out meaningful updates. New events, re-releasing old and retired items back into the economy, a daily/weekly...
  6. Sleepysaur

    Have you ever played an MMORPG?

    When I was younger I absolutely no-lifed a lot of mmorpgs, but it was always the free-to-play ones (most of which are never free-to-play friendly though), I never got into anything that was incredibly popular like WoW or Runescape. Sometimes I try to go and revisit old games I've played just to...
  7. Sleepysaur

    Review by 'Sleepysaur' on item 'Pony Island'

    If you love MLP, breeding games, or community-run adoptable/art games through the forums then ponyisland is absolutely worth a try in my opinion. It's a sleek and responsive site with adorable art thats been around since 2010! With an active community still buzzing around on their forums to this...
  8. Sleepysaur

    Roblox my kids favorite..

    I've done a bit of peeking around and I am interested in making my own roblox game, it seems a good platform to get started on publicity-wise. Although I hear roblox takes most of the cut of profits you make from it as a game dev on their platform, its not really the money I'm after. I'm a...
  9. Sleepysaur

    Happy to be here!

    I'm doing just fine, thank you! I hope you are doing good as well :) And thank you very much for your insights! I'd never heard of kitto and I'm glad to see petsite maker is back in development! I had checked them out in january and thought they had stopped the project, good to see its still...
  10. Sleepysaur

    Calling past TeriPets Users

    @oyed I remember teripets! It was one of my favorites growing up, but I never knew what happened to it, do you? D : I would love trying my hand at recreating art for it in its old style if you haven't gotten any bites yet, it'd be an honor!
  11. Sleepysaur

    What do you want to see in a Virtual Pet Site?

    I want to try and gather information about what other petsite players look for and want in a virtual petsite that exists or has yet to exist! When you play on a virtual petsite, what do you most prominently look for? What would you like to see that you just don't really see around much? Do you...
  12. Sleepysaur

    Happy to be here!

    Hello! My name is Sleepy and I'm currently trying to put myself out there! Typically I just draw for fun but I've never actually put it up on socials or anything until very recently. At the moment I want to try my hand at a few things. I'm learning 3D low poly modeling, rigging, and animation...
  13. Sleepysaur

    oh heck y'all still alive?

    Nice to meet you! Your name certainly seems familiar, maybe I'd seen you around on VPL before or icepets, boopets? In any case good to see you again, I know you make fantastic work! Are you working on any projects or playing any petsites currently?
  14. Sleepysaur

    How much will AI destroy creativity that is natural?

    I also agree that AI is not going to take over in the creative sense. Its true that it continues to advance but the fact remains that AI only ever takes from creators than ever creating something new or original. I think most artists and writers would agree that AI in the creative space is unwanted.