Recent content by Recurrence

  1. Recurrence

    PastryCats — upcoming breeding sim — breed cupcake cats from sugar, butter, flour, and egg cats (plus other pastries!)

    Thank you!! We're not in beta yet, still preparing for alpha in fact. But we have a newsletter / beta invite list—we just welcomed our 167th subscriber! Thank you for your words of kindness and support! <3 (And hope you enjoyed the extra gift with your newsletter!) Can't say I'm much of a...
  2. Recurrence

    PastryCats — upcoming breeding sim — breed cupcake cats from sugar, butter, flour, and egg cats (plus other pastries!)

    Thank you! I've been obsessed with breeding-based games and breeding mechanics since my post-Neopets days—and I love the control you can have as a player to create and shape your breeding lines. I even get a whiff of excitement by small moments of breeding in Planet Zoo, Sims, even Minecraft...
  3. Recurrence

    Back to the thinking board... deep in the prototyping stage of PastryCats!

    Back to the thinking board... deep in the prototyping stage of PastryCats!
  4. Recurrence

    Back Again

    Welcome back! I'm new here myself (only been around less than a year). Seems I missed the heyday of VPL, though I certainly lurked as a guest from time to time. Looking forward to seeing it flourishing again!
  5. Recurrence

    How would you keep an aging pet game running/"living", without punishing player absence?

    That scenario doesn’t strike me as bad actually—for the game, the economy, or the players. So long as it’s not predetermined that all pets appreciate in value purely from time passing (in which case exploiting this fact might lead to players refusing to engage with your game for RL months)...
  6. Recurrence

    PastryCats — upcoming breeding sim — breed cupcake cats from sugar, butter, flour, and egg cats (plus other pastries!)

    ~ PastryCats devlog series ~ A pastry-like cat-raising sim in a baking-themed universe ~ for the browser + mobile Get invited for beta: ~ Quick development snippets on Mastodon @coffee ~ You can also read this here: We’re a two-partner team, merging our...
  7. Recurrence

    New here! Time to make a game

    Hey everyone! I hope I’m not late to the virtual pet sim game-making scene (: It’s been a passion of mine for 15+ years, since my days playing... let’s see... Howrse, Neopets, Furry Paws, and a caboodle of smaller canine and equine sim games that may have died out. These days, I’m enjoying the...