Recent content by Leia

  1. Leia

    It’s Me, Leia!

    I’m on wajas, lioden, and wolfplay about everyday! Wolvden, horse eden, chickensmoothie, northern call, lorwolf, santae, and sylestia occasionally. Every year I return to mweor, furry paws, dappervolk, eliyo, howrse, and flightrising for a month then leave again temporarily. I know some are...
  2. Leia

    It’s Me, Leia!

    Howdy folks!! I’m Leia, you may refer me as Maeley or Mae if you like. Any pronouns can be used as I am genderfluid so I don’t mind! I’m a grown adult from the Midwest and I’ve loved virtual pet sites & games since I was a pre-teen. I’m looking forward to helping future communities and making a...