Leia's latest activity

  • Leia
    Leia replied to the thread It’s Me, Leia!.
    I’m on wajas, lioden, and wolfplay about everyday! Wolvden, horse eden, chickensmoothie, northern call, lorwolf, santae, and sylestia...
  • Leia
    Leia reacted to cpvr's post in the thread It’s Me, Leia! with Like Like.
    Hey Mae, welcome to VPL! We’re glad to have you on board.😁 What pet sites have you been playing lately?
  • Leia
    Leia posted the thread It’s Me, Leia! in Introductions.
    Howdy folks!! I’m Leia, you may refer me as Maeley or Mae if you like. Any pronouns can be used as I am genderfluid so I don’t mind! I’m...